Monday, October 17, 2011

Email Questions: 17 October 2011

What did whale skin taste like?
A hard rubber band

Was the muktuk you had cooked or raw? Was it seasoned?

Up to this point in your mission, if you could pick one day of your mission to relive, what day would it be? Why?
That's kind of a hard question to answer (haha). Every day that passes melds together into one day. I'll do my best, but I mostly only have the memory of this last week and very few days before =). I think my favorite day was Wednesday the 5th of October. We got a call from the mission office. They gave us a referral from Salt Lake of someone who had visited temple square. We looked around for the address and eventually found it through a little prayer probably. The house was in a trailer park that doesn't exist on any of our maps. We kept trying to see if this person would be home, but they weren't. Probably because it was thanksgiving weekend in Canada. We finally caught this person home on the 14th and introduced ourselves and found out that it was indeed this person who had been at the temple exhibit at temple square. We are currently in the follow up stage and are seeing how this will turn out, but I feel really good about it.

Have you had a chance to see the Northern Lights yet? If so, what was it like?
Nope, unfortunately

Answer these questions before talking with Elder Johnson.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being very confident and prepared), how prepared do you feel you are to be a trainer?

What are the areas in which you feel you need to improve to feel you are prepared to be a trainer by November 7th?
It just seems kind of overwhelming. I'm not as quick and confident in knowing what needs to be done as I probably need to be.

What are the areas in which you have improved the most regarding the position of trainer? I have noticed great improvement in your goal setting and striving to meet those goals.
Yeah, goal setting is a big thing. I think I know how to study now (haha). I do feel confident that I know how things work for the most part. Elder Johnson is one of the best missionaries out here and is a very efficient and hard worker. I've have learned so much from him. The Lord has been so merciful with me in letting me have him as a trainer. I was promised when I was set apart that I would be able to hit the ground running when I came out. Thanks to Elder Johnson, I have.

Ask Elder Johnson these questions, and then compare your responses to his.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being very confident and prepared), how prepared do you think Elder Record is to be a trainer?
10--Without hesitation

What does Elder Record need to accomplish as a trainee so you would feel he is prepared to be a trainer by November 7th?
I feel like you'd make a great trainer today, right now, if you were called to do so. However, having the rest of the transfer to complete the new training curriculum will be very beneficial to further enhance your preparedness as a trainer. Next week, you will have the entire week to act as senior companion--where you will drive, do all the planning and lead-out in every teaching situation. This will be a great experience and give you the confidence that you can take over next transfer.

What is your model for resolving concerns and helping others align their beliefs with your's?
I've put much thought in this. I will make a copy of my concern resolve model and get it to you next week.

Have you ever had a companion that did not want to work very hard, maybe a bit lazy? How did you handle it or how would you handle it when and if you had such a companion?
Yes. An elder was sent to my area, and my mission president asked me to rekindle the fire he once had for missionary work. Each case is different and certainly requires individual adaptation. For my companion, his laziness and lack of obedience was sparked by intense depression. However, here are a few principles that may apply in every case.
  • You must create an environment of love and patience. Understand that a disobedient missionary already knows better, so they don't need your reproof. They need your patience and love; they need to know what they are doing good. They need encouragement.
  • You must, at times, "loosen the bow strings" when things get tough. Keep a happy attitude, relax. Don't worry about dotting each and every "i" and crossing all the t's. Putting up a brick wall of expectation will only make your missionary more defensive and amplify the behavior--work them back into obedience, line upon line. Choose your battles: be unyielding and adamant about working from 10 AM to 9 PM, but during non-proselyting hours, choose your battles.
  • Understand the principle of free agency. You can't make them do things; you can only encourage and inspire. Help your missionary understand the doctrine if they will listen. "True doctrine understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior." (President Boyd K. Packer)

What does a good leader do?
Still learning about this one--all of these questions for that matter. But, from my observations, good leaders are obedient and work hard, while maintaining an air of tolerance and love.

Ask the Lord the same questions and write the responses in your journal.

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