Hello everyone, this is Elder Record
and today is October 24
th, Monday and it's preparation
day. This coming week is kind of cool. It's going to be part of my
training. I'm basically on my own for this next week, and
Johnson is just going to be shadowing me (haha) – more so than
other trainers normally would I guess because he thinks I'm ready for
more, so he's going to act like a dead missionary. I'm not too
worried actually. Lately through my studying and things like that,
and how much I've become accustomed to how things work as a
missionary and through Heavenly Father's help I feel pretty confident
in myself as a missionary. Not to say I don't still need help (haha),
I need all the help in the world, but I know that Heavenly Father is
there for me and that I can get through it, and that I will get
through it well, and I'll do good, and I'll grow from it. So I'm
excited to see how the coming week comes.
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I am way WAY anxious to hear where
goes. I thought she was going to get her mission call on Wednesday,
but I just found out this morning that she's not – that it's
assigned, but she hasn't gotten it yet. So I have to wait another
P-day, and I may only have one more P-day here in Whitehorse. So
anyway, I'm excited to see where
goes. (haha) It's taking forever!
Every Tuesday we have district meeting,
Johnson the district leader, so he prepares something. This last
district meeting we were talking about one of the fundamentals of
preach my gospel, which is called “We invite, They commit, We
follow up”. We really didn't get through the whole thing. We just
started at the beginning, this “check your progress” part, that
we got in the training book. The fundamentals are a little bit more
extensive in our training booklets. We were just talking about how we
should extend commitments and how that empowers the investigator to
exercise their faith and act on that. It was very good, and I took
notes in my study journal. It kind of set the tone for the day – it
was very good. I really felt the Spirit there. We were able to
determine what we need to do, like we need to do more finding in our
area. We were figuring out what we need to do to find out those who
are ready to hear the message of the gospel. So, we've been focusing
on finding.
We got a call from the Goolsby's who
live in
Alaska. It is like the half way point on the bus trip between
Anchorage and Whitehorse and back. We found out there's a branch in
Tok. There's no missionaries in Tok, but there's a branch in Tok.
Brother Goolsby is the branch president there. He was like 36 miles
out of Whitehorse and his car broke down. He called his wife, and she
wasn't in Tok, so he called us. We were able to get some members to
help him out and drive him back and get him back to Tok. It was neat
to be able to do some service there and find out there are members in
Tok (haha), because it seemed so small when we drove through it. I
doubt we went through more of the town. There's like 300 people,
maybe a little more, I don't know.
Brother McCracken, this is another
thing I was excited about. We didn't have a toaster so I asked if any
of the members had a toaster. Brother McCracken let me have his old
toaster. So I've been using that for toast (haha) and my breakfast
has been greatly enhanced in its tastes. We had dinner with the
McCracken's on Wednesday night, and he gave me some Rhubarb jam, and
it was soo good. Anyway, he's very nice. Sister McCracken, she makes
the best food, and she's so nice too. We were asking her what her
hobbies are, and she was basically saying she loves to help people.
That's how awesome she is. That's her hobby – helping people. They
are an older couple, but she's been watching Sister Little's kids
while she was having her baby. She is always helping people out for
everything, bringing them food, or whatever. She's very nice.
We were focusing on finding that same
Wednesday. Earlier in the day we did a ton of tracting, just to get
out there and work towards building up our missionary spirit and also
trying to find people who are ready to hear the gospel. We've been
given a lot of referrals this week. Some of them are not necessarily
solid, but usually the ones we get from members are pretty solid, so
we're excited, and we had two of those. We are excited to see how
those two turn out. We are going to meet with them some more. One guy
we are going to go play basketball with soon, hopefully on Saturday.
Both of those guys are pretty open to hearing us and listening to the
gospel and meeting with us. That will be neat to see how that works.
We also had a lesson with one of our
investigators. She doesn't have a Christian background,
so it's been kind of different teaching her. She's fine with doctrine
and things like that, and she's willing to believe that, but she
really wants to see how the gospel has benefited us and how it's
affected us. We had Sister Brown with us for this last lesson, and
she was amazing. She was talking the whole time about those exact
same things. She was right on point and right tune with the Spirit;
and our investigator really got a lot out of that. In fact after we left the
lesson because we had to get to our missionary correlation meeting
with Brother McDonald, Sister Brown stayed there with her and
talked with her like friends for two hours (haha); which was way
cool. She was telling everybody how excited she was. She is going to
be the perfect fellowshipper for our investigator. We have been seeing her make leaps and bounds for where she's at, and we are excited to see
how that turns out as well.
Yesterday on Sunday, Elder Bowes had a
talk. It was very good. He talked about prophets. I was doing some
studying that same morning. I was reading in
5. I like
six in the beginning where, Helaman (Nephi and Lehi's father)
tells them that he wants them to remember to keep the commandments
and to preach the gospel. In
fourteen of chapter five, I love how it then says Nephi and Lehi
remembered what their father said to keep the commandments and to
preach the gospel, and then they go about doing that. I thought that
not only applies to how we should remember to keep the commandments,
but to keep the counsel of fathers, of prophets, of the Savior, and
how that blesses us and the miracles that comes through that. I was
just thinking about that a lot and then Elder Bowes talk was on
prophets. I really felt the Spirit as I was thinking about that.
In Church we have been practicing with
singing “
Hope They Call Me on a Mission.” We are going to do that this
coming Sunday in the Primary program (haha). That will be fun. We
sound pretty good too. We are pretty good singers as a district. We
are also singing as an Elder's Quorum. So we are preparing a musical
number for this program they are going to be having in November. We
are singing “
Hymn of the Republic,” and I am like the only person singing
the tenor part. But, I can hold my own, which is pretty cool. I love
singing the different parts and everything like that.
So that's been this week. It's been
pretty fun. I'm really starting to get the hang of things. We have
specialized training this next week. So I'll probably talk about that
next time. I'll try to get more pictures with me in them (haha). It's
not always easy, we're kind of in a rush a lot, but I'll make an
extra effort to do so. I can't way to hear where
Oh, I got letters from the young women
a while back. I think they were sent to the
but I was already gone, so it took forever to get here. But, I did
get the letters, and I appreciate it. It made my day!
Hi, Eric. I was happy to get your
letter that you sent me a while back. That was neat. Yeah, it's been
a fun week. Anyway, talk to you later, bye.