Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Questions: 12 December 2011

Chris: I am sending you an imaginary hug, please send one back in your next audio.
You got it buddy.

I was listening to a song earlier, I think even before I said anything, that talked about a boy who received a letter from his brother on a mission that made all the difference for him. I now know why I felt the spirit so strong as I listened to that song. I love you with all my heart, and my love for you and confidence in you grows stronger every day. I love you now more than I ever have before. There are times when I think about you and the potential you have and I feel so much love for you that the feeling seems to swell too big for me and I am moved to tears. I love you Chris. You are the man. You've got so much charisma and Lord needs you. The CD I listened to that song on was called The Work, and it says something like Nashville tribute on it or something like that. That CD is another one on my list of CD's to get.

Annelise: Have you seen the Northern Lights yet?

Dad: Do you know when you will be calling for Christmas? We would like to all be here and be prepared. When you call, please call my cell phone. It has a speaker phone so everyone can hear.
Anytime that day, I was thinking after you and I open presents. K

Dad: Can you arrange to use Skype for your Christmas call?
I will see what I can do. I'll be going to the mission home today for p-day.

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