I will probably need to get a new coat;
one that is like a down coat. Some other material besides the
polyester, because the cold just cuts right through it. It can't hold
in the heat, but down coats can. So I might need to get one of those.
We try to work with the ward pretty
closely, and associate with people as much as we can, especially some
of the less active members. It is really nice to be able to be in
ward council and have people ask, “oh, what about this person”,
or “I heard this about these people, do they need help?” It is
really nice to be able to have the answer (haha). It's kind of funny
sometimes, because we will be in ward council and they will ask about
somebody, and we will tell them how they are doing. It's nice to be
of help, because you just see relief flood over them; at least for
the bishop. It helps relieve some of his burden. In Preach
My Gospel we learned that we need to be a blessing to the bishop
and not a burden, because he is the key holder and can receive
special inspiration for the ward and how to help them out. So if we
stay close to him, help him out, and develop a “how can I help?”
attitude; then things go a little bit faster. It's nice to be
appreciated and to work hard.
We had a fun day on Wednesday. We were
able to teach a few people. We have a couple of people who are
looking like they are going to progress pretty well. The best way to
find people to teach is through members. These people that we are
teaching are either referrals from one of the members or a part
member family. Those are the people who are most interested. People
with their influence, preach the gospel at all times; or they can
without words. Example is a pretty big thing.
I flipped open last night to the
scriptures and read a verse that I thought was pretty cool. In John
14:31 it's talking about the Savior and says, “But that the world
may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me
commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.” I like that
because later in chapter 15 it talks about “if ye love me, keep my
commandments.” I like how in John 14:31, the Savior says, “I love
the Father,” and he says, “as the Father gave me commandment,
even so I do.” So, I (haha) love how firm he is in his obedience.”
It has been a good week. It's getting
colder, that's for sure. There is much, much colder weather to come.
I'm taking vitamin D and vitamin C, and trying to stay healthy. I'm
exercising, so I'll probably be fine. I thought I was getting sick
for a little bit, but I don't think I am. I think it was just a
temporary thing that day, because I haven't felt it since.
Unfortunately, Elder Beirne has been sick, and it has not been fun
for him (haha). He is way tough. I would (haha) probably (haha) be
like dieing on the couch, but he has stuck through it. Fairbanks is a
beautiful place.
We were driving down the road, and we
saw a moose lying in the road. Somebody had hit it, and it was dead.
It was a pretty big deal, and traffic was kind of affected. It was at
night time too. Well, night time is relative because it
gets dark really early. It was at dark (haha).
I am thankful that you two are my
parents, mom and dad, because you are amazing. It has made a big
difference for me, and helping me gain my testimony of the gospel,
and I know it's true. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Love, Elder Record
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