Monday, August 26, 2013


Jason's sister, Lorielle, was recently released from full-time missionary service. Jason and Lorielle both spoke together. They did an amazing job and the Spirit was so strong. I love to hear their testimonies of the truth.

Jason plans to start his university studies mid-September at BYU Idaho. He is really looking forward to getting started. He will be studying Electrical Engineering.

End of Blog

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Speaking Assignment

Jason will be speaking this Sunday, Aug 25 at 1:00pm at the Canyon Ridge Ward building at 2162 East Canyon Road, Spanish Fork, Utah. He will be speaking with his sister, Sister Lorielle Record, who will returning home from her mission to Oklahoma this Thursday, Aug 22.

Speaking Topics:

Jason Record: Faith in and Use of the Priesthood
Sister Record: Recognizing and Acting on Promptings from the Spirit

I am told you need to get there really early if you want a seat.